The Christmas Stocking Book Tag

Another fun and festive book tag in between all of the book reviews I have been posting. This one was created by Kate at Reading through Infinity. I think its a great way of sifting through all the books I have read this year to try and recommend some good ones to you.

My Cat Maisie is very interested in her own Stocking! But Santa hasn’t been yet

The Questions

You get up on Christmas morning and your stocking is full! You take it down and start to unwrap the treats inside. The first thing you see is…

An orange! Which book is refreshing and vibrant, both inside and out?

Alice Oseman

This web comic turned published graphic novel is just the most delightful, fun and cute read. I have read both volumes one and two this year and will be diving into three when it is released.

The next thing you see is a bag of chocolate coins. (Yum) Which book have you recently bought that was expensive, but totally worth the high price?

The Starless sea
Erin Morgenstern

I bought both the Waterstones special edition and the Illumicrate special edition and I am so glad I did as both are gorgeous and well crafted inside and out. I am a MEGA fan of the night Circus and The Starless sea lived up to every expectation from Morgenstern. Plus I got to meet her and get all my books signed so I am very very happy with my editions.

You also pull out a bath bomb. Tell us about a book that had explosive action scenes.

Seven Blades in Black
Sam Sykes

Jam packed with action, and humour! Kickass heroines and loveable side kicks this was just an awesome read! I flew through the 600 plus pages as the action is so quick and exciting you don’t realise how quickly you are reading. I have a full review here

Next is a pack of playing cards. Which series won you over?

The TimeKeeper series
Tara Sim

I had contemplated reading this series for a while. The first book really intrigued me but I never picked it up until early this year and within 3 weeks I had read the whole series. They were such fun, with a sweet romance and such interesting world building. My review for Timekeeper can hopefully convince you to pick them up too!

You also get a candle. Which character is a symbol of hope in their story?

The Ten Thousand Doors of January
Alix E. Harrow

We follow January’s story from her childhood and her story is generally hope out of adversity, but that is really underselling this tale. It is beautifully told in an unusual fashion that weaves the magic of Doors and the magic of books together into something gorgeous. I have a full review here.

There are socks inside too. Is there a book that you think really encompasses all the distinctive tropes of its genre?

The Secret Chapter
Genevieve Cogman

This is a cheeky answer as Cogman takes all the troupes we know and love about the Fae, about heist movies, about bond villains and plays with them, giving them little twists here and their through the story. All the tropes and there plan to see, she holds them to the light and goes “Look a fun troupe”, the Fae follow those Archtypes to the letter, and then she slowly shifts them and it is what makes this a fun series as you get all those awesome troupe characters to enjoy. I have a review for this latest book in the series here.

There’s also a notebook. Which author’s writing process do you find most interesting/inspiring?

This is a hard one. I have gone to a lot of Author events this year which I am very fortunate to live in a city that attracts such big names. I kind of took a little bit from each of them and was inspired enough to start writing myself. I loved Erin Morgenstren’s talk about how she finds places first and lights them to see who shows up. Victoria Schwab, Ben Aaronvich and Garth Nix all talked about there characters tapping them on the shoulder and demanding to have their stories told. And Jay Kristoff just talked about sitting down and writing, letting it just find its own way.

There’s also a small bedside clock. Which book took you a long time to pick up but was worth it in the end?

Girls of Paper and Fire
Natasha Ngan

I received this book in a Fairyloot box and despite all the hype and great reviews i just didn’t pick it up. Till this month. I finished it and was really surprised. I really enjoyed it, the ending was great. I am hoping to dive into the second one soon.

Your pile is getting really big. You reach in to pull out the last gift and it’s… a lump of coal? You’re a little disappointed. But you look closer and realise there’s a seam running through the coal. You crack it open and sitting inside is a tiny golden snitch. Tell us about a book that surprised you in some way.

The Flat Share
Beth O’Leary

I am not a reader of Contemporary, you just have to look at my list of reviewed books to see I am a SFF fan through and through. I am not a huge lover of romance fiction either I find them predictable, but this one just captured me. I loved the communication between the characters. And while I did find it predictable I didn’t mind the journey at all. It was a fun and different read for me. I have a review here.

So there are all my answers? Have you read any of the above? If you haven’t done this tag I tag you? What books will you choose?

I would love to chat all things bookish with you! You can comment down below or find me on Twitter or Goodreads!

Happy Reading!

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